Mental Wellness » Mental Wellness

Mental Wellness

Mental Health Mission

Alcoa City Schools is committed to Graduating Competitive Students by ensuring the mental wellness of students, families, faculty, and staff through education, intervention, and access to service.

Mental Health Vision

To provide effective and innovative programs/activities that focus on the emotional, psychological, and social well-being of students, families, faculty, and staff.

School Counselors

Life can go up. Life can go down.  Things happen…

And on the bad, down days, you wonder if you will find the strength to overcome the setbacks in your life.

The disappointment can be crushing, but this is not the end of your story.  There is more for you… - Unknown


Tips to Stay Motivated When Surrounded with Negativity


  • Have an attitude of expectancy - Expect something great to happen for you every day and it will. 
  • Take control over what you can, and stop worrying about what you can’t -  Refuse to worry about circumstances beyond your control. Don’t allow yourself to become so emotionally entangled that it paralyzes your progress.
  • Read and listen to positive information - You need constant reminders telling you that you are capable of achievement.
  • Be with positive people as often as possible - Seek out positive people and don’t engage in negative conversations. 
  • Speak positive affirmations - Regardless of what is going on around you, speak out loud what you want to happen. 
  • Learn from your mistakes, instead of repeating them - We all make mistakes; the key is to learn from them and keep on moving. Conduct regular self-evaluations and examine how you handled situations and what you could do differently next time. 
  • Make a plan - There is a very popular saying: “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” When you take time to plan, you allow yourself to think through the entire process from beginning to end. 
  • Celebrate accomplishments, whether big or small - Always take time out to celebrate. Reward yourself each and every time you reach a goal.
  • Build a support team - Having the right people in place to help you is crucial to your success. 
  • Rehearse your victories - Oftentimes we forget how far we’ve come and the successes we’ve already accomplished. Designate a token of achievement that you can carry with you to remind yourself that you are a winner.

You don’t have to be positive all the time.  It’s perfectly okay to feel sad, angry, annoyed, frustrated, scared, or anxious.  Having feelings doesn’t make you a negative person, it makes you human. - Lori Deschene



Emotional Wellness Toolkit (National Institute of Health)
Enter your text here...

Sometimes you need someone to be there for you.  Not to fix the problem or offer advice or do anything in particular, but simply to be there.  To show up.  To be present with what you are feeling.  To see what you are going through.  To see you, understand you.



Traits of Good Friends

I am trustworthy.

I am honest with others.

I am generally very dependable.

I am loyal to the people I care about.

I am easily able to trust others.

I experience and express empathy for others.

I am able to be non-judgmental.

I am a good listener.

I am supportive of others in their good times.

I am supportive of others in their bad times.

I am self-confident.

I am usually able to see the humor in life.

I am fun to be around.


Empathy is the ability to recognize, understand, and share the thoughts and feelings of another person, animal, or fictional character.

Humor is the capacity to express or perceive what's funny, is both a source of entertainment and a means of coping with difficult or awkward situations and stressful events. 


These traits are grouped into three categories and each represents an essential aspect of relational behavior:

  • The first five (5) traits listed above represent Traits of Integrity and are related to core values held by most cultures.
  • Traits of Caring are numbers 6 - 10 on the above list above and are require personal insight, self-discipline, and unconditional positive regard for others.

A healthy relationship is one in which love enriches you;

not imprisons you. - Steve Maraboli


Do know the signs of an abusive relationship

by Rachel Ehmke

If you are in an abusive relationship your boyfriend or girlfriend might:


  • Be constantly critical of you, and make you feel bad
  • Try to keep you away from your friends or family
  • Want to check your phone messages
  • Use social media to monitor where you are and who you are talking to
  • Threaten that something bad will happen if you break up
  • Force you to do things you don’t want to do
  • Make you feel guilty
  • Hurt you
Cherokee Health Systems

Alcoa City Schools and Cherokee Health Systems have formed a partnership to offer access to an on-site therapist.  For more information about these services, please contact your school counselor.

Dealing with Difficult Moments
Anti-Bullying: It Only Takes One
A Moment of Peace
Apps to Download
(click image below)
Not Ok App
Aloe Bud
Aloe Bud
Mind Shift
Mind Shift App
Teen Stress

True Friendship A-Z

 by Michael Josephson

Accepts you as you are

Believes in you

Celebrates your successes

Defends you

Encourages you

Forgives you no matter what

Gives you what you need

Has patience with you

Inspires you

Judges you rarely, but fairly

Keeps your secrets

Loves you for who you are

Makes you feel better

Never abandons you

Opens doors for you

Prods you

Quells your fears

Restores your confidence

Shares your joys and grief

Tells your truth

Understands you best

Values you

Wants the best from you

Xpects the best from you

Yanks you back to reality

Zeros in on what’s wrong


10 Signs of Healthy vs Unhealthy Relationships

Healthy Relationahips