CTE Programs of Study
Programs of Study at Alcoa High School
The Career and Technical Education Department at Alcoa High School offers nine CTE programs of study within six career clusters. Each of the programs of study offered at Alcoa High School can be used to satisfy a student's three-credit elective focus requirement which is necessary for high school graduation. Dual enrollment and dual credit opportunities are available in most courses.
- Health Science-Nursing Education and Sports and Human Performance
Within the health science cluster, students can choose an elective focus in either the Sports and Human Performance program of study or the Nursing Services program of study. Students in those programs of study can achieve national industry certification as Certified Personal Trainers or Certified Nursing Assistants. - Marketing
Alcoa High School also offers a Marketing program of study. Students in this program of study can participate in work-based learning experiences in the Marsh Store and have the opportunity to complete industry-recognized certifications. - STEM Engineering
STEM Engineering is another program of study, found within the STEM cluster. STEM courses offer student the chance to become certified as CSWA's (Certified SolidWorks Associates). - STEM Technology/Mechatronics
A new Mechatronics program of study, within the advanced manufacturing cluster, was added in 2017-18. This program of study is offered in conjunction with the Tennessee College of Applied Technology-Knoxville. Students not only earn dual enrollment credit in mechatronics but also have the opportunity to obtain industry certifications and dual credit. - Architecture and Construction-HVAC
During the 20-21 school year, the district introduced a new program of study through a GIVE grant award with TCAT Knoxville. Through this program of study, students can complete dual credit and dual enrollment coursework, along with industry certifications, in order to successfully become certified HVAC technicians. - Computer Coding
Alcoa High School will offer an Information Technology/Computer Coding program for students. Students will have the opportunity to take the Principals of Computer Science course followed by Coding I.
- Culinary Arts
Alcoa City Schools received a TDOE Innovative School Models grant and will
implement a new culinary arts program of study. This course will introduce students into careers in culinary arts
and provide opportunities for culinary connected industry certifications.
- Aviation
For the 24-25 school year, Alcoa City Schools received a TDOE Perkins Reserve and a TDOT Aeronautics
Division grant to offer training for juniors and seniors to obtain their private pilot's certification. Students will
participate in ground school instruction on the campus of Alcoa High School and will receive pilot training at our
industry partner AvZ Aviation Academy, adjacent to McGhee Tyson Airport.
- Welding, Cosmetology, and Machining
Welding, cosmetology, and machining classes are available to students who can drive to the TCAT
Knoxville and TCAT Blount campuses. These classes are solely dual enrollment. Talk to your school
counselor regarding these options.